

Informationen & mehr . . .

Marriage Visa (Kitas) C317

For your marriage visa (Kitas) C317 you need

reisepaesse visum


Must be valid for at least 18 months

geburts urkunde

Birth certificate

Indonesian spouses

indonesischer personalausweis r

Identity card

Indonesian spouses

kontoauszug visum

Account statement

Current bank statement of foreign spouses / 30 days (PDF)

kartu keluarga

Family card

Indonesian Kartu Keluarga

covid 19 test visum

Covid-19 Test

Not older than 3 days in English

flug versicherung a

Health insurance

Health insurance of foreign spouses

qr code imigrasi

QR Code

Information can be obtained from us

visum rente kitas bali

Marriage Visa (Kitas)

Is handed over by us

The Visa

We apply for the visa from Indonesia (Outside Indonesia currently not possible). 

Other possibilities with this visa

  • 1 year residence permit
  • Opening of a bank account possible
  • Purchase of a driving licence possible
  • Cost reduction for medical assistance
  • Possibility of permanent residence after 5 years

The process

To do this, we first need copies – Colored – of your :

  1. Passport (Cover sheet & page with your photo)
  2. current bank statement (Account holder, bank name, balance and date must be visible)
  3. Foreign health insurance (English or with English supplement, you can request from your insurance company)
  4. Rental contract (house or apartment)
  5. Data you provide in our form.

Other documents such as e.g. PCR-Test are only needed later for departure and entry.

  • First deposit of IDR 5,500,000 is due.

  • If we have this data, it takes about 2 – 4 weeks, then we get a message (confirmation /rejection) for your pension visa (Kitas).

  • Second payment – Before we send you the confirmation “Pension-Kitas” (by e-mail / WhatsApp / Telegram) you transfer the outstanding amount of 7,000,000 IDR for our service.

  • Since 19.09.2020 you no longer have to have your documents checked by the consulate in your country. This means that if you get the positive e-visa from us, you can fly to Indonesia / Bali. Upon arrival in Bali / Indonesia you will need all the documents we have listed and be able to show you.

  • Since 19.09.2020 you pay the handling fee of 150,- US Dollars (approx. 130,- €) no longer at the Indonesian consulate/embassy in your country, we pay this fee, and is already included in our price.

  • Finished

visa urlauber 1


For our service

C319 Visa marriage visa

12.500.000 IDR 

(Inklusive 150,- US Dollar)

Additional options

Annual renewal

On request

re-entry Permit
– Inclusive –

Refund / Rejection / Cancellation

In case of rejection or cancellation of the pension visa (C319), the amount already paid will be refunded.

Less a processing fee of

1.500.000 IDR


You can pay as follows:

bank transfer n 2    paypal n 2    transferwise n 2


The transfer fees are paid by

the sender

For your flight you need a current PCR-Test in English or with English supplement or with English addition
At this time the test must not be older than 72 Hours

More questions ?

If you have any further questions, please contact us
